Enharmonie Chamber Ensemble is a Brisbane-based chamber ensemble founded in 2010 by principal players Allan Hall (cello) and Tertia Hogan (piano). In concert ECE is often augmented by guest artists (usually violin or voice, and for some programmes, a narrator). ECE aims to bring classical music to life for a range of audiences, performing instrumental recital programmes and shows with an element of theatre, with story and song complementing the music.

We are very pleased to announce that the flautist Lee Norrell - a regular guest with Enharmonie - has joined the ensemble as a principal artist, commencing with our concert of October 1, 2017. We look forward to working with Lee in many future performances and recordings.

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Click on the play button to listen to an excerpt from our 2012 CD recording of the Four Pieces for Piano and cello, Opus 70 - Scottish:

Please visit our recordings page for more sample tracks, and the Concert Diary for full details of our upcoming performances. A (very) occasional Blog presents news and happenings.

For enquiries or to book Enharmonie Chamber Ensemble for a special event, please see the Contact Page, or download our Wedding and Corporate Guide.


Enharmonie Chamber Ensemble was founded in March 2010, with a performance by Allan Hall (cello) and Tertia Hogan (piano) of Brahms and Beethoven cello sonatas. Since that time, ECE has developed an extensive repertoire and performed in venues across Brisbane and surrounds, including the Brisbane City Hall Auditorium, St Andrews South Brisbane, Redlands (for Redlands Arts Council), Ipswich, Sunshine Coast, for the 4MBS Festival of Classics in 2013, and the Music By The Sea Series in Sandgate in 2012. Our 2013 season focussed on the works of Clara and Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms, and included a dramatic presentation of piano trios, songs for soprano, and works for violin-piano and cello-piano, interspersed with readings from their letters and diaries.

Our cello-piano duo repertoire includes works by composers such as Faure, Beethoven, Brahms, Goltermann, Borodin and Shostakovich. Included in our repertoire are also works for piano-cello-soprano by classical Romantic composers Glaeser and Gounod, and a specially arranged contemporary work by Brisbane composer Matthew Hoey. For a more detailed listing of repertoire and past concerts, see the Concerts page here.

Allan Hall

A Brisbane freelance cellist and teacher, Allan Hall is in frequent demand as a chamber musician and orchestral player. Allan commenced his tertiary music studies at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music in 1986 and within ten years graduated with a Diploma, Graduate Diploma and Bachelor of Music from the Queensland Conservatorium, a Graduate Diploma in Performance from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and a Master of Music in Cello Performance from the Canberra School of Music. In 2006 he received a Graduate Diploma in Instrumental Pedagogy from the University of Queensland.

Allan has played in many orchestras including the Australian Youth Orchestra, The Queensland Orchestra, and the Canberra Symphony Orchestra. From 1994 he toured parts of Queensland and Norfolk Island on behalf of QLD Arts Council, Opera QLD, Operatif, and the Offenbach Trio. In recent years Allan has been soloist with the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra on three separate occasions, performing the Dvorak and Elgar cello concertos and his own Double cello concerto. Allan also occasionally composes or arranges music and acts as arranger or copyist for local Brisbane composers. Allan has recorded two CDs as part of Enharmonie Chamber Ensemble, and also produced two CDs while directing the group Mandolins in Brisbane. When not practising, teaching, studying, conducting, or arranging, Allan delves into computers, sound technology, chess, aircraft, classic cars, pipe organ and the Er-hu (Chinese fiddle).

Tertia Hogan

Tertia Hogan studied piano in Brisbane under Enid Lane and later Regis Danillon, obtaining her LMusA (2011) and LTCL (2012). Tertia co-founded Enharmonie Chamber Ensemble with Allan Hall in 2010. She has worked on two recording projects for the Ensemble, and appeared in 2013 as part of the 4MBS Festival of Classics, and on stage in the newly refurbished Brisbane City Hall, performing repertoire ranging from piano trios and lieder of Schumann and Brahms to a new work by Brisbane composer Matthew Hoey

In November of 2013 Tertia collaborated on a CD recording with mezzo-soprano Elizabeth Lewis (now of Victorian Opera), released under the Master Performers Label, and she recently performed Beethoven's Emperor Concerto (1st mvt) as soloist with the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra at Brisbane City Hall (Ithaca Auditorium, June 29, 2014).

Tertia's interests have not confined themselves to music, although in 2007 a compelling need to return to her musical roots could no longer be ignored. Tertia returns to a musical career after many years teaching Mathematics and Physics, having completed her MSc(Mathematics) in 1994. She holds a GradDipMus (String Pedagogy, UQ 2009) and plays orchestral piano and violin with the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra under Antoni Bonetti. She currently runs a busy private practice as pianist and teacher of piano and violin, and is frequently in demand as an accompanist for recitals and music examinations. She is currently pursuing a masters in performance at the University of Queensland School of Music.

Lee Norrell

Lee Norrell is a native of the Mid-west of the United States. He immigrated to Australia in 1991 to work for Education Queensland. He is currently the woodwind teacher at MacGregor State High School and MacGregor Primary, where as part of his teaching duties he conducts four ensembles. He has been tutoring in Music Education at the University of Queensland for the last two years. As a flautist, Lee has studied with Alta Collins, Albert Tipton, George Pope, Frances Shelley and James Kortum. He has performed in master's classes with Jeanne Baxtresser.

While in the US Lee played with several orchestras and chamber groups; in Brisbane he is principal flute with the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra. He was 2nd flute/picc with the Queensland Pops Orchestra for thirteen years, and has performed with the Ipswich City Orchestra, Northern Rivers Orchestra and the Sinfonia of St Andrews. He has performed over 30 solo recitals. In 2012 he presented the Australian premiere of Michael Daugherty's flute concerto, The Trail of Tears, this was the fourth concerto he has performed with the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra.

Lee has been a guest conductor and adjudicator with many groups in Queensland. In his spare time he has been the musical director for many community musicals, and he was the founding conductor of the Brisbane Philharmonic Orchestra. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from the School of the Ozarks and a Masters' Degree from the University of Akron. He has attended the Aspen Festival of Music and his education qualifications were gained at Emporia State University.

Guest Artists

ECE performances often feature guest appearances from associate artists. These have included:

Bernard Wheaton - Tenor

Beth McBride - Soprano:

Beth is an experienced lyric soprano, songwriter, speech pathologist and a mother of two young boys. Beth has performed with us on occasion since 2013, and is featured soloist in our Life and Love - Clara's Story recording which will be released in mid-2014. Beth has performed with Opera Queensland as a chorus member, soloist, Young Artist, and member of the educational Moving Opera program. She completed postgraduate vocal studies at The Queensland Conservatorium, with travel scholarships to study at the Dante Alighieri Society in Florence and at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Her Operatic and Oratorio roles are numerous. In 2012, Beth made her debut with the Opera Australia chorus, and launched her new vocal ensemble Essence. Look out for Essence's performances at venues around Brisbane and also in Ballina!

James Hogan - Actor/Narrator

James is an experienced actor and narrator with numerous performance credits in drama and musicals. Recent appearances have included the British hangman Albert Pierrepoint in the Queensland Premiere of Follow Me (2013), the Life and Love - Clara's Story series with ECE, and a cameo as the theatre owner M. Lefevre in The Phantom of the Opera (RMT 2013). James trains with the OzFrank Theatre Company and recently completed filming as The Messenger in Oedipus Rex and will appear as Oswald in their film of King Lear. His play, The Baptist, with a musical collaboration with Allan Hall, will be presented as part of the SE Queensland drama festival circuit. When not performing, he can be found in front of a class at QUT.