Clara's Story - Schumann, Schumann, Brahms CD

We have recently completed a recording of this programme from 2013 with guest artists Stephen Phillips (violin), Beth McBride (soprano), and actors Zoe de Plevitz and James Hogan, and expect it to be ready for release mid-2014. It will be available for download online, and there will be copies available at our first concert in 2014 on July 27. Or you can contact us and we will post one to you (postage free in Australia).

Sample tracks:

Excerpt from Clara Schumann Piano Trio Opus 17, Slow Movement

Excerpt from Clara Schumann Piano Trio Opus 17, Final Movement

Enharmonie Chamber Ensemble debut CD

Our debut CD, recorded at Master Performers recording studio and released in 2012, is available for purchase and will shortly be made available on-line. Email for details.

Sample tracks:

Excerpt from Four Pieces for Piano and cello, Opus 70 - Scottish

Excerpt from The Gadfly Romance

More details and recording samples will be added to this page shortly